38th RC LACE Steering Committee Meeting

38th Meeting, Online/Zagreb/Croatia 8 - 9 March 2022


Practical information

Find attached the draft version of the Agenda for 38th LSC on 8.+9.3, let me know any if you have suggestions/corrections.

Please be aware:

  1. Suggested meeting times at the moment:  09:00 – 17:00 on 8+9.3 including sufficient time for breaks. I’ve added tentative starting times to the items on the agenda to have better orientation. But in particular on day 2 we might/should not need the full time J.
  1. We have two bigger non-standard items on the agenda:  “LACE Working practices” and “ALARO Code refactoring + DestinE”. For “LACE Working Practices” I kindly remind you to discuss this beforehand at home within your team to be prepared for a round table and discussions. See my mail on 04.02.2022 (or copy below) for more information.
  1. @LACE MG: I’ve planned 45 min per scientific area for the reporting part (based on average timings of our last meetings). I would ask you to limit your presentation to max (!) of 30mins to allow questions/discussions.  For technical reports I planned 30min (so let’s say 20min + 10min discussion). If you think that’s not feasible .. let me know.
  1. @Mario/DHMZ: Will you be able to provide the Meeting-Facilities/Link? Let me know, otherwise I can provide ZOOM from ZAMG.
  1. Please use  https://edrop.zamg.ac.at/owncloud/index.php/s/jcXKdoW3QePaaye  for uploading reports and presentations. Reports should be provided 1 week in advance to allow LSC a proper preparation.

As done last times I will invite ACCORD PM + CSCs to the meeting. In addition Martina might add expert(s) for the ALARO refactoring item.

Best regard
