&NACIETEO / &NACOBS / &NACTAN / &NACTEX / &NACVEG / &NADOCK / &NAEAEM7 / &NAEAER / &NAECOAPHY / &NAEPHLI / &NAEPHY / &NAERAD LRRTM=.FALSE., LSRTM=.FALSE., NMCICA=0, / &NAEVOL / &NAIMPO / &NALORI / &NAMAFN GFP_CSOD%CLNAME='SURFRAYT_SOLA_DE', !in cz SURFRF.SHORT.DO GFP_CTHD%CLNAME='SURFRAYT_THER_DE', !in cz SURFRF.LONG.DO GFP_CSOP%CLNAME='SURFRAYT_DIR_SUR', !in cz SURF.RAYT.DIR TFP_U%CLNAME='WIND.U.PHYS', TFP_V%CLNAME='WIND.V.PHYS', GFP_XLSP%CLNAME='SURFPLUIE_STRATI', GFP_XCP%CLNAME='SURFPLUIE_CONVEC', ! ne naredi ! GFP_SUND%CLNAME='SUNSHI__DURATION', / &NAMARPHY / &NAMCA / &NAMCAPE / &NAMCFU LCUMFU=.TRUE., LFDUTP=.TRUE., LFPLC=.TRUE., LFPLS=.TRUE., LFR=.TRUE., LFSF=.TRUE., LFSOIL=.T., ! iz nase operative LNEBPAR=.T., ! iz nase operative !LNEBTT=.F., ! iz nase operative LRAYD=.TRUE., LRAYS=.T., ! za direktno soncno obsevanje, v assim rabimo za crocus LSTRC=.FALSE., ! v assim ne rabimo LSTRD=.TRUE., LSTRT=.TRUE., / &NAMCHEM / &NAMCHET / &NAMCHK LECHKEVO=.FALSE., LECHKPS=.FALSE., LECHKTND=.TRUE., / &NAMCLA / &NAMCLDP / &NAMCLI / &NAMCLOP15 / &NAMCLTC / &NAMCOK / &NAMCOM / &NAMCOSJO / &NAMCOUPLO4 / &NAMCT0 !moved to NAMDYNA LAPRXPK=.TRUE., !for VFE !moved to NAMARG LECMWF=.FALSE., !moved to NAMARG LELAM=.TRUE., LFBDAP=.TRUE., LOPT_SCALAR=.TRUE., LREGETA=.FALSE., !for VFE (recomended) LRPLANE=.TRUE., !moved to NAMARG LSLAG=.TRUE., LSPRT=.TRUE., LTWOTL=.TRUE., !moved to NAMCVER LVERTFE=.TRUE., !for VFE LVFE_REGETA=.TRUE., ! NDHFDTS(0)=-7, ! NDHFDTS(1:7)=-6,-12,-18,-24,-30,-36,-48, NFPOS=0, NFRDHFD=1, NFRGDI=1, ! v cy35 =5 NFRHIS=1, NFRISP=3, ! v cy35 =2 NFRPOS=1, NFRSDI=1, NHISTS(0)=-2, NHISTS(1:2)=-0,-3, NPISPS(0)=0, NPRINTLEV=1, NSPPR=1, !prints norms for vertical levs !moved to NAMCVER NVSCH=3, !for VFE / &NAMCT1 LRFILAF=.FALSE., N1ISP=0, N1RES=0, / &NAMCUMF / &NAMCUMFS / &NAMCVER LVERTFE=.T., ! VFE main switch NVSCH=3, ! Hermit cubic functions VFE basis / &NAMCVMNH / &NAMDDH / &NAMDFI / &NAMDIM NPROMA=-16, NUNDEFLD=-99999999, / &NAMDIMO / &NAMDPHY / &NAMDYN LADVF=.TRUE., LQMHT=.FALSE., LQMHW=.FALSE., LQMP=.FALSE., LSETTLS=.TRUE., NITMP=2, NTLAG=3, NVLAG=3, NWLAG=3, RDAMPDIV=1., RDAMPDIVS=10., RDAMPQ=0., RDAMPT=1., RDAMPVOR=1., RDAMPVORS=10., REPS1=0., REPS2=0., REPSM1=0., REPSM2=0., REPSP1=0., REXPDH=2., RRDXTAU=123., SDRED=1., SITR=300., SLEVDH=0.1, SLEVDHS=1., SLHDA0=0.25, SLHDB=4., SLHDD00=6.5E-05, VESL=0., VMAX2=280., XIDT=0., ! v cy35 =0.05 ZSLHDP1=1.7, ZSLHDP3=0.6, / &NAMDYNA LAPRXPK=.TRUE., LSLHD_GFL=.T., ! SLHD used for at least one GFL field !novo v cy40 LSLHD_OLD=.F., ! SLHD "old" interpolators LSLHD_T=.T., ! SLHD used for temperature LSLHD_W=.T., ! SLHD used for wind SLHDEPSH=0.016, ! SLHD horizontal "smoother" !vkljuci SLHDEPSV=0.0, ! SLHD vertical "smoother" (removed both ALARO-0 and 1) SLHDKMAX=6., ! SLHD parameter SLHDKMIN=-0.6, ! SLHD parameter SLHDEPSV=0.016, ! v cy35 default / &NAMDYNCORE / &NAMEMIS_CONF / &NAMENKF / &NAMFA NBITCS=-1, NBITPG=-1, NSTRON=-1, NVGRIB=2, ! v cy35 =default in NVGRIBSURF=0, / &NAMFPC / &NAMFPD / &NAMFPDY2 / &NAMFPDYH / &NAMFPDYI / &NAMFPDYP / &NAMFPDYS / &NAMFPDYT / &NAMFPDYV / &NAMFPF / &NAMFPG / &NAMFPIOS / &NAMFPMOVE / &NAMFPPHY / &NAMFPSC2 NFPROMA=-16, ! v cy35 ni definirano / &NAMFPSC2_DEP NFPROMA_DEP=-16, ! v cy35 ni definirano / &NAMGEM REFLKUO=5000., / &NAMGFL YCPF_NL%NREQIN=0, YDAL_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YDAL_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YDAL_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YDAL_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YDAL_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: downdraft mesh fraction; to be cycled in assim YDAL_NL%LSLHD=.FALSE., YDAL_NL%NREQIN=1, YDOM_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YDOM_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YDOM_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YDOM_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YDOM_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: downdraft velocity; to be cycled in assim YDOM_NL%LSLHD=.FALSE., YDOM_NL%NREQIN=1, YSHTUR_NL%LADV=.F., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: shear source term YSHTUR_NL%LGP=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: shear source term YSHTUR_NL%LREQOUT=.F., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: shear source term YSHTUR_NL%NREQIN=0, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: shear source term YFQTUR_NL%LADV=.F., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: moisture flux source term YFQTUR_NL%LGP=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: moisture flux source term YFQTUR_NL%LREQOUT=.F., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: moisture flux source term YFQTUR_NL%NREQIN=0, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: moisture flux source term YFSTUR_NL%LADV=.F., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: heat flux source term YFSTUR_NL%LGP=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: heat flux source term YFSTUR_NL%LREQOUT=.F., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: heat flux source term YFSTUR_NL%NREQIN=0, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: heat flux source term YI_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YI_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YI_NL%LGPINGP=.FALSE., YI_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YI_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YI_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: solid cloud water; to by cycled in assim YI_NL%LSLHD=.TRUE., YI_NL%LSP=.FALSE., YI_NL%NCOUPLING=0, YI_NL%NREQIN=1, YL_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YL_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YL_NL%LGPINGP=.FALSE., YL_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YL_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YL_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: liquid cloud water; to by cycled in assim YL_NL%LSLHD=.TRUE., YL_NL%LSP=.FALSE., YL_NL%NCOUPLING=0, YL_NL%NREQIN=1, YQ_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YQ_NL%LGP=.FALSE., YQ_NL%LGPINGP=.FALSE., YQ_NL%LHV=.FALSE., YQ_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YQ_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YQ_NL%LREQOUT=.TRUE., YQ_NL%LSLHD=.TRUE., YQ_NL%LSP=.TRUE., YQ_NL%LVSPLIP=.FALSE., YR_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YR_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YR_NL%LGPINGP=.FALSE., YR_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YR_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YR_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: microphysics rain; to by cycled in assim YR_NL%LSLHD=.FALSE., YR_NL%LSP=.FALSE., YR_NL%NCOUPLING=0, YR_NL%NREQIN=1, YSPF_NL%NREQIN=0, YS_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YS_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YS_NL%LGPINGP=.FALSE., YS_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YS_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YS_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: microphysics snow; to by cycled in assim YS_NL%LSLHD=.FALSE., YS_NL%LSP=.FALSE., YS_NL%NCOUPLING=0, YS_NL%NREQIN=1, YTKE_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YTKE_NL%LCDERS=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YTKE_NL%LGPINGP=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%LHV=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: pTKE; to by cycled in assim YTKE_NL%LSLHD=.TRUE., YTKE_NL%LSP=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%LT5=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%LVSPLIP=.FALSE., YTKE_NL%NCOUPLING=0, YTKE_NL%NREQIN=1, YUAL_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YUAL_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YUAL_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YUAL_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YUAL_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: updraft mesh fraction; to be cycled in assim YUAL_NL%LSLHD=.FALSE., YUAL_NL%NREQIN=1, YUEN_NL%LADV=.F., YUEN_NL%LGP=.T., YUEN_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: Updraft entrainment; to be cycled in assim YUEN_NL%NREQIN=1, YUNEBH_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YUNEBH_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YUNEBH_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: pseudohistoric nebul.; to be cycled in assim YUNEBH_NL%NREQIN=1, YUOM_NL%LADV=.TRUE., YUOM_NL%LGP=.TRUE., YUOM_NL%LQM=.FALSE., YUOM_NL%LQMH=.FALSE., YUOM_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-0: updraft velocity; to be cycled in assim YUOM_NL%LSLHD=.FALSE., YUOM_NL%NREQIN=1, YTTE_NL%LADV=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Total Turbulent Energy YTTE_NL%LGP=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Total Turbulent Energy YTTE_NL%LREQOUT=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Total Turbulent Energy; to be cycled in assim YTTE_NL%NREQIN=1, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Total Turbulent Energy; to be cycled in assim / &NAMGRIB / &NAMGWD / &NAMGWWMS / &NAMHCP / &NAMICE / &NAMINI LDFI=.FALSE., !safety !removed? NEINI=0, / &NAMINTFLEX / &NAMIOMI / &NAMIOS / &NAMIO_SERV / &NAMJBCODES / &NAMJFH N_VMASS=0, / &NAMJG / &NAMLCZ / &NAMLSFORC / &NAMMARS / &NAMMCC / &NAMMCUF / &NAMMKODB / &NAMMODERR / &NAMMTS / &NAMMWAVE / &NAMNMI / &NAMNPROF / &NAMNUD / &NAMOBS / &NAMONEDVAR / &NAMOPH CFNHWF='ECHALAD', LINC=.TRUE., NCADFORM=1, / &NAMOPTCMEM / &NAMPAR0 MBX_SIZE=64000000, NOUTPUT=1, NPROC=64, ! NPROC_A * NPROC_B NPRGPNS=8, ! NPROC_A, NPRGPEW=8, ! NPROC_B, NPRTRW=8, ! NPROC_A, NPRTRV=8, ! NPROC_B, LMPOFF=.F., MP_TYPE=2, / &NAMPAR1 LEQ_REGIONS=.FALSE., LSPLIT=.F., NSTRIN=1, NSTROUT=1, NCOMBFLEN=8000000, / &NAMPARAR / &NAMPHMSE / &NAMPHY CGMIXLEN='EL0', !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: equivalent of 'AY' in ALARO-0 CGTURS='MD2', !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: turbulence model II L3MT=.T., !ALARO-0: 3MT main switch LA0MPS=.T., !ALARO-0: microphysics LAB12=.T., !ALARO-1 microphysics: Abel-Boutle 2012 (independed of ACRANEB2 and TOUCANS) LACPANMX=.F., !ALARO-0: nearly maximum-random cloud overlap (diagnostics only) LAERODES=.T., !ALARO-0: aerosols desert LAEROLAN=.T., !ALARO-0: aerosols land LAEROSEA=.T., !ALARO-0: aerosols sea LAEROSOO=.T., !ALARO-0: aerosols soot LARPMPS=.F., LCDDPRO=.T., !ALARO-0: prognostic downdraft LCLSATUR=.T., !ALARO-0: cloud optical depth saturation model LCOEFKSURF=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: screen lev. params. computations; needed also in CANARI LCOEFKTKE=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: main switch LCOEFK_F1=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: stability functions at the surface LCOEFK_FLX=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: flux form of source terms (e.g. GFLs) LCOEFK_MSC=.T., !ALARO-1vB TOUCANS:Shallow convection cloudiness diagnostics based on mass-flux approach LCOEFK_PTTE=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Prognostic Total Turbulent Energy (on top of TKE) LCOEFK_RIS=.F., !ALARO-1vB TOUCANS:Shallow convection cloudiness based on Ri* or Ri** T in ALARO-1vA LCOEFK_SCQ=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Skewness influence in moist BVF computations LCOEFK_TOMS=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Third order moments LCONDWT=.T., !ALARO-0: prognostic condensed cloud water main switch LCVGQM=.T., !ALARO-0: modulation of humidity convergence closure LCVPPKF=.F., LCVPRO=.T., !ALARO-0: prognostic updraft LCVRA=.F., !ALARO-0: old moist deep convection off LDIFCONS=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: Activation of Betts transforms (as in ALARO-0, in combination with NDIFFNEB) LENTCH=.T., !ALARO-0: memory in adaptive detrainment LFPCOR=.T., !ALARO-0: switch with LCVRA, neutral for L3MT LFSFIX=.F., LFSVAR=.T., !ALARO-0: variable fall speed of falling species LGLT=.T., !ALARO-0: mountain lift computation in GWD LHUCN=.T., !ALARO-0: critical RH profile computation LNEBCV=.T., !ALARO-0: reevaporation of deep cloud water protection if L3MT=.T. LNEBNXR=.T., !ALARO-0: Xu-Randall scheme LNEB_FP=.F., LNEWD=.T., !ALARO-0: new gravity wave drag scheme LNEWSTAT=.T., !ALARO-0: ACRANEB1 use new stat. model for NER computations LNOIAS=.T., !ALARO-0: stop convection in case of absolute dry instability LO3ABC=.T., !ALARO-0: climatological O3 profiles LPHSPSH=.T., !ALARO-0: peudohist. surface precip. heat LPRGML=.T., !ALARO-0: situation-dependent mixing length LPTKE=.T., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: common computations with pTKE scheme LQXRTGH=.T., !ALARI-0: RH computations using TANH curve LRAY=.T., !ALARO-0: main ACRANEB1 switch LRAYFM=.F., LRAYLU=.F., !ALARO-0: moonlight off LRNUEXP=.T., !ALARO-1vB: use of exponential-random cloud overlap in ACRANEB2 radiation and diagnostics LRNUMX=.T., !ALARO-0: cloud geometry maximum random overlap LRPROX=.F., !NER computations; used for previous ACRANEB in ALARO-0 LRRGUST=.T., !ALARO-0: moist gustiness LRSTAER=.F., !ALARO-0: standard aerosols off LRTPP=.T., !ALARO-1: ACRANEB2 assumes isothermal layers due to LRPROX=.F., but with LRTPP=.T. lowest model layer is nonisothermal when exchanging with surface LRTRUEDIR=.T., !ALARO-1vB: ACRANEB2: key for returning true (not delta-scaled) direct solar flux. LSCMF=.T., !ALARO-0: mesh fraction's influence on the entrainment rate LSEDCL=.T., !ALARO-0: sedimentation of claude water and ice LSEDLAG=.F., LSEDSTA=.T., !ALARO-0: statistical sedimentation LSTRA=.F., !ALARO-0: old stratiform prec. off LSTRAPRO=.F., !ALARO: stratiform prognostic microphysics off needed when L3MT LVFULL=.F., LVGSN=.T., !ALARO-0: vegetation+snow in ISBA, irrelevant for SURFEX LVOIGT=.T., !ALARO-0: ACRANEB1 Voight profile activated LXRCDEV=.T., !ALARO-0: Xu-Randall used in adjustment NDIFFNEB=1, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: option to diffuse cloud water NIMELIT=2, !ALARO-0: no/ of iterations of microphysics call within updraft NPHYREP=1, !physics reproducibility; 1 for validation, -4 recommended for CPU savings, both A:ARO-0 & 1 NRAUTOEV=3, !ALARO-1 ACRANEB2: freq. of exact NER comp=3h (NRAUTOEV*NTHRAYFR) NRAY=2, !ALARO-1 ACRANEB2: main switch NSORAYFR=-1, !ALARO-1 ACRANEB2: solar band transm. intermittency (in hours) NTHRAYFR=-1, !ALARO-1 ACRANEB2: therm band transm. intermittency (in hours) / &NAMPHY0 ALMAV=200., !ALARO-0: mixing length of wind BEDIFV=0.1, !ALARO-0: vert.diff. profile form coeff. C3TKEFREE=1.183, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS C_EPSILON=0.871, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS EDD=1., !ALARO-0: asymptotic stable regime coeff. ETKE_BETA_EPS=0.05, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS ETKE_LAM0=0.29, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS ETKE_OLAM=0.29, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS GCISMIN=5.5E-04, !ALARO-0: min. value of shear in turbulence GCOMOD=0., !ALARO-0: mandatory with L3MT=.T. GCVACHI=20., !ALARO-0: minimum updraft w to cross stable layer GCVALFA=4.5E-05, !ALARO-0: coeff for buoyancy-modulation of entrainment GCVNU=1.E-05, !ALARO-0: coeff for convective cloud profile when LENTCH GCVPSI=1., GCVPSIE=1., GCVTAUDE=900., !ALARO-0: convective cloud decay GDDEVF=0.12, !ALARO-0: efficiency coef of downdraft GENVSRH=1., !ALARO-0: coeff driving use of RH integral in entrainment GPEFDC=0.18, !ALARO-0: coeff of cold pool effect with LENTCH GWDCD=5.4, !ALARO-0: GWD mean envelope GWDLT=1., !ALARO-0: GWD mean envelope GWDSE=0.02, !ALARO-0: GWD mean envelope GWDVALI=0.5, !ALARO-0: GWD mean envelope HUCOE=1., !ALARO-1vB new tuning, ALARO-0(1.4),ALARO-1vA(1.4): LHUCN tuning (first coeff.) HUCRED=1.2, !ALARO-1vB new tuning, ALARO-0(1.),ALARO-1vA(1.): critical RH profile parameter HUTIL2=0.5, !ALARO-1vB new tuning, ALARO-0(1.1),ALARO-1vA(1.1) LHUCN tuning (third coeff.) NUPTKE=0.5265, !ALARO-1 TOUCANS QSMODC=4., !ALARO-1 tuning: strat.clouds opacity (Xu-Randall) QSSC=400., !ALARO-0: cloud scheme tuning QSSUSC=0.75, !ALARO-0: cloud scheme tuning QSSUSS=0.4, !ALARO-0: cloud scheme tuning QSSUSV=250., !ALARO-0: cloud scheme tuning QSUSXC=0.0002, !ALARO-0: cloud scheme tuning QSUSXS=0.0003, !ALARO-0: cloud scheme tuning QXRAL=150., !ALARO-1 tuning (Xu-Randall) QXRAL_ADJ=150., !ALARO-1 tuning (Xu-Randall) QXRDEL=0.5, !ALARO-0: Xu-Randall tuning QXRR=0.25, !ALARO-0: Xu-Randall tuning QXRTGH=1.6, !ALARO-0: Xu-Randall tuning (for 87levs, 2be tuned according to vertical levels!) RAUTEFR=0.5E-03, !ALARO-1 tuning: autoconversion to rain RAUTEFS=2.E-03, !ALARO-1 tuning: autoconversion to snow RCIN=1., !ALARO-0: coeff of cloud profile computation RCVEVAP=0.25, RDECRD=0., !ALARO-1vB: reference pressure thickness: use of value dependent on latitude and sun declination in APLMPHYS and ACRANEB2 RDECRDRED=0.4, !ALARO-1vB: reduction factor for decorrelation depth in diagnostic cloud cover REVASX=2.E-07, REVGSL=15., RMULACVG=-25., !both ALARO-0 and ALARO-1 tuning (automatic setup since ALARO-1 patch in CY38T1_bf3 & CY40T1 ownwards) RPHI0=1250., !ALARO-0: cloud scheme tuning RQICRMAX=5.E-05, !ALARO-0 tuning: max critical ice content for ice autoconversion RQICRMIN=8.E-07, !ALARO-0 tuning: min critical ice content for ice autoconversion RQLCR=3.E-04, !ALARO-0 tuning: critical liquid w.c. for liquid cloud w. autoconv. RWBF1=1600., !ALARO-0 tuning: WBF process param. SCLESPS=5100., !ALARO-1vB new tuning: critical length scale for cloud-dependent solid cond. (before default 15500.) TDDFR=0.0012, !ALARO-0: downdraft friction coeff. TDDGP=0.8, TENTR=5.E-06, !ALARO-0: minimum updraft entrainment coeff TENTRD=1.6E-04, !ALARO-0: downdraft entrainment coeff TENTRX=1.6E-04, !ALARO-0: maximum updraft entrainment coeff TFVI=0.08, !ALARO-0 tuning: sedimentation speed of cloud ice TFVL=0.02, !ALARO-0 tuning: sedimentation speed of cloud water TKEMULT=1., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: TKE length scale multiplier USURIC=1., !ALARO-0: inverse of Ric USURICE=0.5, !ALARO-0: height exponent in Ri computation USURICL=4., !ALARO-0: coeff relating Ri comp. with the height USURID=0.048, !ALARO-0: inverse Ri transition number (Ri->Ric) USURIDE=0.25, !ALARO-0: exponent to compute Rid local VZ0CM=1.0E-04, !ALARO-0: Z0 on sea for gustiness VZIUSTAR0=12., !ALARO-0: scaling inverse roughness velocity for moist gust. / &NAMPHY1 LCLS_HS=.T., !ALARO-1: stable 2m temperature/humidity interpolation in stable conditions RCTVEG(3)=1.1E-05, !ISBA tuning: thermal resistence of low vegetation; both ALARO-0 and ALARO-1; also in CANARI / &NAMPHY2 FACRAF=10., !ALARO-0: wind gust diagnostics coeff. (2be tuned!) XDAMP=1., !ALARO-1 TOUCANS: anti-fibrillations as in pTKE LMULAF=.TRUE., !ALARO-0: anti-fibrillation scheme XMULAF=-1.85, !ALARO-0: anti-fibrillation coeff. / &NAMPHY3 FCM_NU_DI=0., !ALARO-1 ACRANEB2: scattering saturation for ice clouds FCM_NU_DL=0., !ALARO-1 ACRANEB2: scattering saturation for liquid clouds RLAMB_SOLID=0.6, !ALARO-1 ACRANEB2: prop of Lambertian reflection for solid surf. / &NAMPHYDS / &NAMPONG / &NAMPPC LMOVPH=.FALSE., / &NAMPPVI / &NAMPRE / &NAMRAD15 / &NAMRADCMEM / &NAMRCF / &NAMRCOEF / &NAMRES / &NAMRGRI / &NAMRINC / &NAMRIP / &NAMRLX / &NAMSATS / &NAMSCC / &NAMSCEN / &NAMSCM / &NAMSEKF / &NAMSENS / &NAMSIMPHL / &NAMSKF / &NAMSPNG / &NAMSPSDT / &NAMSTA / &NAMSTOPH / &NAMSWE / &NAMTESTVAR / &NAMTLEVOL / &NAMTOPH ETCVIM=0., ETNEBU=0., ETPLUI=0., XDRMTK=6.E-08, XDRMTP=800., XDRMUK=3.E-07, XDRMUP=800., / &NAMTRAJP / &NAMTRANS / &NAMTS / &NAMVAR / &NAMVARBC / &NAMVARBC_AIREP / &NAMVARBC_ALLSKY / &NAMVARBC_GBRAD / &NAMVARBC_RAD / &NAMVARBC_SFCOBS / &NAMVARBC_TCWV / &NAMVARBC_TO3 / &NAMVAREPS / &NAMVDOZ / &NAMVFP / &NAMVRTL / &NAMVV0 / &NAMVV1 / &NAMVWRK / &NAMWAVELETJB / &NAMXFU LXCLP=.TRUE., !PBL height LXCLS=.TRUE., !2,10m fluxes at T-dT LXFU=.TRUE., LXICV=.TRUE., !convective indexes LXNEBPA=.TRUE., !partial cloudiness LXNEBTT=.TRUE., !total cloudiness LXQCLS=.TRUE., !2m q LXTTCLS=.TRUE., !2m T min/max LXXGST=.TRUE., !extreme wind gust LXTRD=.TRUE., !gwd momentum flux LXTRC=.TRUE., !convective Q, CPT, momentum fluxes LXTRT=.TRUE., !turbulent Q, CPT, momentum fluxes LXPLC=.TRUE., !convective precip LXPLS=.TRUE., !stratiform precip LXR=.TRUE., !radiation fluxes LXSOIL=.TRUE. !soil fluxes NFRRAZ=1, NRAZTS(0)=-73, NRAZTS(1:73)=-0,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9, -10,-11,-12,-13,-14,-15,-16,-17,-18,-19, -20,-21,-22,-23,-24,-25,-26,-27,-28,-29, -30,-31,-32,-33,-34,-35,-36,-37,-38,-39, -40,-41,-42,-43,-44,-45,-46,-47,-48,-49, -50,-51,-52,-53,-54,-55,-56,-57,-58,-59, -60,-61,-62,-63,-64,-65,-66,-67,-68,-69, -70,-71,-72 / &NAM_CANAPE / &NAM_DISTRIBUTED_VECTORS / &NAPHLC / &NEMCT0 / &NEMDIM / &NEMDYN / &NEMELBC0A LQCPL=.TRUE., NBICOP=2, !removed? NBICOQ=2, NBICOT=2, NBICOU=2, NECRIPL=1, / &NEMELBC0B TEFRCL=3600, ! TEFRCL=21600, / &NEMFPEZO / &NEMGEO / &NEMJK / &NEMVAR / &NEMWAVELET / &NAMARG CNMEXP='SIS4', NCONF=1, LELAM=.TRUE., LECMWF=.FALSE., CUSTOP='h3', TSTEP=180., LSLAG=.TRUE., NSUPERSEDE=1, /